31 May, 2022 Buchanan – calls for clarity from Tesco on Platinum Jubilee DUP Mid Ulster MLA Keith Buchanan has been contacted by constituents seeking clarity as why there is no Platinum Jubilee merchandise available in Tesco’s Cookstown store.
31 May, 2022 Lockhart – Government placed cart before the horse in fuel research DUP Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart has welcomed the Government’s £31m investment in developing fossil fuel alternatives and particularly hydrogen which will help Northern Ireland but says the Government has put the green fuel cart before the horse.
31 May, 2022 Paula Bradley announced as new Glengormley Councillor DUP Leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson has announced that Paula Bradley will replace Phillip Brett as Councillor for the Glengormley DEA of Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council. The vacancy arose following Phillip’s election as MLA for North Belfast.
31 May, 2022 Wilson welcomes commitment by Treasury to make NI payments DUP East Antrim MP and Treasury spokesman Sammy Wilson has welcomed the Chief Secretary to the Treasury’s commitment that Northern Ireland will receive the energy support payment, despite the absence of an Executive.
30 May, 2022 Alliance and SDLP inconsistent on election of a Speaker DUP East Belfast MLA David Brooks has said the Alliance Party and the SDLP lack consistency in their approach to electing a Speaker.
30 May, 2022 Solutions rather than jeering needed on NI Protocol. Lagan Valley MLA Emma Little Pengelly challenging parties in the Northern Ireland Assembly to get around a table and find solutions to the Protocol problems rather than jeering and engaging in political stunts.
30 May, 2022 Parties challenged to create consensus politics Upper Bann MLA Jonathan Buckley challenging other parties in the Assembly to create consensus politics and deal with the issues created by the Northern Ireland Protocol which can see government restored, rather than engaging in political stunts.
27 May, 2022 BBC should embrace review: Campbell East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell has welcomed the launch of the BBC Mid-Term Review by the Culture Secretary and said the Corporation should embrace such opportunities to ensure it meets the rigorous standards that it sets itself.
27 May, 2022 Wilson – no one should be playing politics with vulnerable DUP East Antrim MP Sammy Wilson has said Sinn Fein is trying to play politics with the most vulnerable and the Chancellor’s support package must be available to every household in Northern Ireland.
26 May, 2022 Wilson – Protocol is blockage to VAT cut DUP East Antrim MP Sammy Wilson has said the call by Sinn Fein Finance Minister Conor Murphy for a reduction in VAT on energy bills flies in the face of his Party’s call for the “full implementation” of the NI Protocol.