18 Feb, 2022 Draft budget would kill investment plans DUP Foyle MLA Gary Middleton has said the draft Sinn Fein budget would decimate our schools budget, lead to a reduction in police numbers but critically it would kill investment as it slashes Invest NI’s access to funds.
17 Feb, 2022 Bradley – “Hargey’s u-turn proves she was playing politics” DUP Deputy Leader Paula Bradley MLA has said the u-turn by DfC Minister Deirdre Hargey on funding for football proves the Minister’s disgraceful announcement on Monday was nothing short of playing politics.
17 Feb, 2022 EU insistance on Irish Sea border a threat to stability in NI DUP Leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP has warned that the EU’s insistence on the Irish Sea border is an existential threat to political and economic stability in Northern Ireland.
16 Feb, 2022 DUP is delivering better broadband - despite Sinn Fein's 'sit back and do nothing' policy Strangford DUP MLA Peter Weir has said John O'Dowd's 'sit back and do nothing' policy on broadband isn't supported by the thousands of people across Northern Ireland who have been connected thanks to the DUP-secured funding.
16 Feb, 2022 Bradley – “Where does Hargey Stand on bad housing budget?” DUP Deputy Leader Paula Bradley MLA has called on the Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey to make clear whether she supports the budget put forward by Conor Murphy which has been described as presenting "a bleak outlook for housing" by the Chief Executive of the Housing Executive.
15 Feb, 2022 Sinn Fein budget is a warning of where they would take Northern Ireland Strangford MLA Peter Weir has said the budget brought forward by Sinn Fein's Finance Minister would decimate many vital services, with even the Chief Executive of the Housing Executive warning of its consequences.
15 Feb, 2022 Communities Minister should stop playing politics with sport Foyle DUP MLA Gary Middleton has said the Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey needs to stop playing politics with funding for football stadia in Northern Ireland.
14 Feb, 2022 Diane Dodds: MLAs should stand up for their local schools Upper Bann MLA Diane Dodds has said MLAs can stand up for their local schools by signing the petition of concern on the Integrated Education Bill.
14 Feb, 2022 Sub-regional football funding failure down to Communities Minister's dithering and delay North Down DUP MLA Stephen Dunne has rejected the Communities Minister's "ridiculous" excuses on sub-regional football stadia funding and said they were an insult to clubs that have been kept in limbo because of the Minister's dithering and delay.
14 Feb, 2022 Progress on adoption framework welcomed DUP South Antrim MLA and Health Spokesperson Pam Cameron has welcomed progress toward a new adoption framework in Northern Ireland but expressed disappointment that plans to protect and preserve records relating to mother and baby homes are not included in the current Bill.