Sinn Fein's Jubilee snub highlighted

DUP MLA Diane Dodds has said that Sinn Fein's continued blocking of plans to mark Her Majesty the Queen's Platinum Jubilee is the latest insult from that party.

By Diane Dodds MLA

Upper Bann

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Mrs Dodds was speaking after questioning the First Minister today in the Assembly. She said.

"Three weeks ago I raised the Platinum Jubilee with the Deputy First Minister and called on her to ensure this significant event was appropriately marked. Her answer that day carefully declined to say that she would support this and we see today that Sinn Fein still would not support an agreed position on the issue within the Executive Office.

This is not some oversight by Sinn Fein, but represents an active decision by that Party to once again snub an event which is important to many people in Northern Ireland.

Sinn Fein blocked every initiative marking the centenary of Northern Ireland and once again it seems their focus is not on the wider public, but on their own narrow republican clique. They appear not to care about this however when they cause such hurt and harm regularly.

Three weeks ago Michelle O'Neill said she would engage in discussions on the establishment of a fund to mark this Jubilee properly. It's time Sinn Fein gave a proper public indication of their intentions around this important milestone in our history."

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