Robinson welcomes Thales anti-tank missile contract

East Belfast MP Gavin Robinson has welcomed news that Thales in Belfast have received a contract to produce a further batch of NLAW effectors in partnership with Saab.

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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The confirmation follows the announcement that the Ministry of Defence had agreed to acquire “several thousand” of the shoulder-launched Next generation Light Anti-tank Weapon (NLAW).

Mr Robinson, who is also a member of Parliament’s Defence Select Committee said, “This is not just a very welcome and significant order for Thales and its workforce in Belfast, but represents how Northern Ireland has played a direct role in protecting the people of Ukraine. These NLAW missiles have been vital in the defensive effort against Russia’s illegal invasion.

East Belfast is at the heart of our security and defence industry and companies such as Thales have skills and expertise that are world leading. I hope that we will continue to see investment from the Government that will not just strengthen our defence capabilities, but also see direct benefits to companies across all parts of the United Kingdom, including Belfast.”

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