MP celebrates with Ukrainian Independence Day with local family

Today is the 31st anniversary of Ukrainian Independence from the Soviet Union.

North Antrin MP Ian Paisley has celebrated the occasion with a family who have settled in Northern Ireland from Ukraine.

The DUP MP said,

“Northern Ireland has been very generous in welcoming families fleeing from the 500-day war raging in Ukraine and we stand with those families in their hour of need. Those who have settled here are making a real contribution to Northern Ireland life.

Today I met with Valentyn & Larysa Pavlenkov and their lovely family who are settled in North Antrim. Living and working here, they are now part of our local community, and they love Northern Ireland.

Today we want to pay respects to their country and culture, celebrating their nation’s freedom from soviet power. We stand with them as we continue to stand with their country. The UK government has made a £9.3 billion package available to Ukraine since February 2022. This is economic and military aid as well as humanitarian support. Defence companies in the UK and our experts are supporting Ukraine in their efforts to bring this war to an end.

As an MP I am campaigning for the UN and Turkey to urge Russia to re-join the Black Sea Grain Initiative, to stop bombing the grain and food infrastructure that is used to feed some of the most vulnerable in the world.”

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