Stormont visit would crown local Platinum Jubilee celebrations - Lockhart

Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart has written to the First and Deputy First Minister to request that they issue an invitation to Her Majesty The Queen to visit the grounds of Stormont Estate as part of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations next year.

By Carla Lockhart MP

Upper Bann

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Carla Lockhart said:

“In 2012 thousands of people congregated in the grounds of Stormont Estate to greet Her Majesty, and the Duke of Edinburgh, to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee. It was an incredibly special day, and one that everyone in attendance remembers with great fondness.

As we look towards the Platinum Jubilee next year, a similar opportunity to express our affection, our thanks, and loyalty to Her Majesty The Queen would be something widely supported across Northern Ireland. I have no doubt that once again the Stormont Estate would be thronged with people wanting to be part of such a special, historic occasion.

I have written to the First and Deputy First Minister requesting that the Northern Ireland Executive issue an open invitation to replicate that memorable 2012 occasion for the Platinum Jubilee. I trust the Executive will do this, and that this invitation would be met with approval by Her Majesty and form part of the national celebration of her incredible reign.”

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