Protocol medicine blockage must still be fully resolved

Vice Chair of the Assembly's Health Committee Pam Cameron has said that as negotiations between the UK and EU continue, there is still a need to fully resolve the blockage of medicine supply to Northern Ireland caused by the Protocol

By Pam Cameron MLA

South Antrim

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The South Antrim MLA said,

"Whilst Maros Sefcovic is back in the UK today talking to the Foreign Secretary it is worth remembering that the impact of the NI Protocol on medicine supply has not yet been fully resolved. Whilst many groups have welcomed the direction of travel, we have not reached the destination. There are still many details to be resolved.

Whilst we have not even fully resolved that issue, the European Union attempted to portray 'allowing' medicines to be supplied to Northern Ireland as some great act of generosity. Medicines should never have been part of this deal in the first place and there is still a need for continued movement from the EU to ensure that people’s health in Northern Ireland is not adversely impacted by it."

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