Paul Givan said:
“It was good to speak with the local community and hear their views first-hand. DUP representatives have been pressing for enhanced facilities for the Westland area, including through the Urban Villages Capital Plan.
“TEO officials are now engaging with the community in Westland to meet identified need. Discussions have taken place around the issues facing the area, including community tensions and the lack of modern community facilities which has proved to be a blockage in developing local community cohesion and capacity.
“TEO officials have undertaken a detailed review of the site including the existing dilapidated portacabin structure, the extensive waste ground adjacent to the portacabin and the floodlit MUGA area, with a view to considering options and plans for new facilities that will serve the needs of the local community. A business case process is commencing and being prioritised.”
William Humphrey MLA said:
“Council colleagues and I have been pressing the case for Westland for some time. This area has watched other parts of the city progress, and we consider it essential that Westland gets to benefit from new community facilities too.
“We have been encouraged by recent discussions with TEO, and believe investment in the region of at least £1 million is necessary to see a step-change in provision for Westland.
“Visits to other community associations will be arranged to view exemplar community buildings, and governance and capacity support provided by TEO and Belfast City Council. Options and drawings to be progressed for the business case and to allow for community consultation.”