Campbell – “time for BBC to open its books”

DUP East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell has noted the BBC’s response to the Serota Review and 10-point plan for reform but believes this is only the tip of the iceberg. Mr Campbell said, many practices in the BBC would not be tolerated in other spheres of employment.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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Mr Campbell said,

“I believe in a national broadcaster that is transparent, fair and impartial but the BBC has been falling short of that bar for a very long time. This plan for reform needs to be more than window-dressing. There must be real change.

The BBC has been a left leaning organisation for too long and needs to reflect the population rather than a London, Cardiff, Edinburgh or Belfast elite.

It is publicly funded by the taxpayer, yet we don’t know how the BBC spends our money. Basic Freedom of Information requests are declined. Stephen Nolan is one of the BBC’s highest paid presenters, yet we still don’t know how much he is earning from his personal company through programmes commissioned by his colleagues.

This plan commits to help whistle-blowers, yet I have spoken to whistle-blowers who can’t speak publicly because the BBC made them sign Non-Disclosure Agreements. This approach stinks. There needs to be more than a rearrangement of furniture. The organisation needs to demonstrate change by lifting the NDAs and let people tell the truth.

The BBC should have the similar levels of transparency other bodies which includes Parliament and the NI Assembly. It is time for the BBC to open its books and let taxpayers see under the bonnet and how our money is being spent.

Finally, the BBC complaints procedure is a joke. It is slow, clunky, bureaucratic and rarely produces outcomes with a sense of justice for people. It lacks transparency and independence. I have experienced many delaying practices by the BBC’s complaints Department in an attempt to spare the organisation’s blushes. Time is running out for the BBC”

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