Wilson – “SF contradictory positions on Ukraine”

East Antrim MP Sammy Wilson has branded Michelle O’Neill’s approach to Ukraine as contradictory after she welcomed unambiguous European support for Ukraine but opposed the UK’s supply of missiles to the country.

By Sammy Wilson MP

East Antrim

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The DUP MP said,

“Michelle O’Neill’s approach to Ukraine is entirely contradictory. She can’t on one hand warmly welcome that there is “no ambiguity” about European support for Ukraine and on the other, criticise the supply of missiles that gives practical effect to that support.

The re-focus of European support for Ukraine over recent days has primarily been about that same military support. Sinn Fein was engaging in pro-Putin propaganda at the start of the invasion, and even now they appear to suggest Ukraine should attempt to bring down Russian drones with sticks or paper planes.

Its not long ago that Sinn Fein said there was “no alternative” to terrorist weapons being used in Northern Ireland but they are now standing against the lawful use of weapons by Ukraine to defend its borders.

We fully support the stance taken by the Government. The practical outworking of that also means there will be the creation of 200 new, highly-skilled jobs in Belfast. Thales have demonstrated themselves as a world-leading firm, and there is no doubt that NLAW anti-tank missiles were crucial to Ukraine’s efforts even in the early stages of the war.

As Sinn Fein strikes a tone which the Kremlin would be happy to hear, it is notable that their left-wing ideology doesn’t appear to extend to putting money into the pockets of working people in Belfast who will see job opportunities opening as a result of this announcement.”

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