Will isolated Adams finally acknowledge hurt caused by video?

DUP MLA Gary Middleton has said former Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams stands isolated as the only person who apparently has not recognised the hurt and offence caused by a recent video and Christmas card.

By Gary Middleton MLA


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The Foyle MLA said, "With the company who produced the card and the charity that was set to benefit from it both having distanced themselves from these offensive comments it seems Gerry Adams stands alone, silent on his actions.

Even some members of Sinn Fein have recognised the hurt and offence have caused, but Gerry Adams appears still to believe that he is beyond criticism. Any reasonable person should have recognised immediately that references to "they haven't gone away you know" is not appropriate at any time of the year, but particularly at Christmas when so many people continue to grieve those murdered by the IRA.

Anyone with basic human empathy would distance themselves from this and apologise. Whilst some within Sinn Fein clearly feel this is the right thing to do it would be interesting to hear both from the Party's current leadership and their former President whether they are prepared and capable of doing the right thing."

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