Vote splintering weakens unionism: Robinson

DUP East Belfast MP Gavin Robinson has said split unionist votes will only help non-unionists win more seats as he reminded people to ensure they are registered to vote ahead of the Council elections in Northern Ireland.

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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Mr Robinson said,

“At the last election some people argued that you can’t split the vote in a PR election, they were left red faced however when the results were declared as their theory was proved wrong in practice.

North Antrim was the clearest example of a constituency where too many unionist candidates led to a splintering of the vote and enabled a non-unionist to be elected ahead of a fourth unionist.

I want to see as many unionists as possible returned to council chambers across Northern Ireland. Particularly in Belfast and the West, Sinn Fein has driven an anti-British policy through our Councils. Elections are the time send a message that you want to restore the balance.

This election is an opportunity to elect a strong DUP team in each council to stand up for those of us who want to see Northern Ireland prosper. People therefore must first and foremost be registered and then ensure they maximise the strength of their vote.”


There are two ways to register to vote or update your registration details:

1. You can register online here. This is the quickest and easiest way to register or update your details.

2. If you are unable to register online, you will need to complete a paper registration form and return it to the Electoral Office

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