Victims must always have access to justice

DUP MP for East Belfast Gavin Robinson has reminded the Government ahead of legislation being introduced on legacy that innocent victims must always have access to justice.

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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Mr Robinson said,

“90% of the deaths in the Troubles were deliberate killings by terrorists. Many of those terrorists have never stood in court. Those victims’ families deserve justice. No terrorist should ever be able to stop looking over their shoulder.

Innocent victims have witnessed the prison doors being opened and murderers walk free having only served a fraction of their sentence. Those same innocent victims have had to watch terrorists waving on-the-run letters delivered by the Blair government. Another insult to those victims would be any further blockage being placed on their ability to see justice being done for their loved one.

There must be no further corruption of justice. Victims have suffered enough. We will be carefully scrutinising this legislation and will continue to be a voice for innocent victims and those who stood against terrorism during those dark days.”

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