UUP should withdraw misleading ‘poll’ advert – Lyons

DUP Director of Elections Gordon Lyons MLA has called on UUP Lagan Valley Candidate Robbie Butler to withdraw a misleading social media advertisement and said the use of such tactics reflects the increasingly desperate attempts by the UUP candidate to breathe life into his flagging campaign in the constituency.

By Gordon Lyons MLA

East Antrim

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Gordon Lyons said:

“Clearly the UUP has accepted they can’t win in Lagan Valley when they are reaching for desperate adverts like this.

On the doorsteps of Lagan Valley, the electorate know that Jonathan Buckley is the only unionist who can win the seat, and ensure the constituency has a strong pro-Union voice in Westminster.

It is deeply disappointing that to resuscitate his increasingly lifeless campaign, Robbie Butler is using grossly misleading polling statistics.

Polling experts have rightly derided the use of these figures recognising that the numbers do not reflect the fact that the DUP is not running in North Down, a decision we have taken in the broader interests of unionism to win that seat back from the Alliance Party.

Unionists in Lagan Valley won’t be fooled by such desperate tactics. They know that voting for unionist candidates who cannot win risks gifting this seat to Alliance. That is why they are rallying behind the vibrant, positive campaign of Jonathan Buckley, and why they will back him as the unionist who can win on 4th July.”

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