Unionism must remain united against Protocol: Stalford

Responding to claims from the UUP's Lord Empey, DUP MLA Christopher Stalford said,

“Lord Empey is entitled to his own views, but he is not entitled to his own facts.

It was the votes of DUP MP’s that defeated Boris Johnston’s Brexit Deal, not once, not twice, but three times in Parliament.

At a time when Unionism is standing united in their clear and unwavering opposition to the Northern Ireland Protocol, Lord Empey’s solo run stands in stark contrast to that unity of purpose.

The fact that the EU were forced back to the negotiating table, is testament to what can be achieved when Unionism stands together.

The DUP will continue to work with all shades of Unionism to remove the Irish Sea Border, as outlined in the Joint Unionist Declaration.

I would encourage him to familiarise himself with that document."

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