Treasury should step up on spiralling energy costs

The DUP’s North Antrim MP Ian Paisley has challenged the Treasury to step up and recognise the pressures in families with spiralling energy costs.

Mr Paisley said,

“This week in Parliament we have been pressing the Government to step up and make policy changes to help struggling families.

Fuel duty and VAT make up 40% of our price at the pumps. A temporary cut would be a meaningful change that the Treasury could take to help people who have no option but to use their car or van to do their job. Within a rural area like Northern Ireland, many who work in our schools, hospitals and manufacturing have no access to public transport and depend on their car. It is now costing them £120 per week just to drive to and from work.

The Party Leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson has written to Chancellor with serious proposals which would help working families. It is time for the Government to step up and address a problem which has been predicted for weeks."


In Sir Jeffrey’s letter we asked the Government to consider these five points:

- Cutting VAT on petrol and diesel

- Cutting duty on petrol and diesel

- Pausing plans to remove the rebate on red diesel which will drive up costs in our construction sector

- Cancelling the planned 1.25% increase in National Insurance contributions

- Offering targeted extra support to those households in greatest need.

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