Time to tackle SFs magic money tree – Brett

DUP Westminster candidate for Belfast North, Phillip Brett, has said the obscenity of absentee MPs from Sinn Fein being awarded expenses and allowances from Westminster despite not attending Parliament must be ended. The North Belfast MLA also called for the foreign donation loophole, which sees Northern Ireland stand alone in the British Isles as the only place where foreign donations of money can influence politics, to be closed.

By Phillip Brett MLA

Belfast North

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Phillip Brett said:

“Since 2019, North Belfast has had no voice in Parliament. John Finucane might hold the title of Member of Parliament, but not once has he spoken up for this constituency in the House of Commons – not a word on support for hard pressed families, nothing to secure more money for our public services, not a word on attracting funding into deprived areas of North Belfast.

All the while, Mr Finucane has been issued with hundreds of thousands of pounds by Westminster in expenses and allowances. That is totally wrong, and wholly unjustifiable. This obscenity is replicated in every constituency held by Sinn Fein.

DUP MPs will continue to raise this issue in Parliament, seeking to bring an end to this perverse use of taxpayer’s money. Furthermore, we will also continue to campaign for a level playing field in Northern Ireland in relation to foreign donations for political parties being subject to the same rules as those across Great Britain. Sinn Fein’s magic money tree, whether rooted in America or Australia, must be tackled.

DUP MPs, taking their seats and using their voice, will campaign vigorously to achieve progress on these important issues of trust and transparency in our politics. We trust the next Government will listen and act.”

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