Theft of wreaths demonstrates hated and ignorance: Middleton

Foyle MLA Gary Middleton has said those involved in the theft of poppy wreaths from the Diamond War Memorial in Londonderry demonstrate sectarian hatred and an ignorance of what the wreaths represent.

By Gary Middleton MLA


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The DUP MLA said, “The names inscribed on the war memorial in Londonderry are from all traditions in the city. The wreaths laid there are in memory of all those who served regardless of their background.

To steal or damage any wreath laid at such a memorial is an insult to all those who are commemorated on it. That those who engaged in this crime targeted only the poppy wreaths whilst leaving a laurel wreath untouched means they demonstrate not only their sectarian hatred, but their ignorance of what all those wreaths represent.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time that such an incident has occurred. There is a continuing need for leadership within the city to spell out clearly that such actions are not acceptable and send out a very damaging message to all those who see the War Memorial as part of our shared history in Londonderry.”

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