Sammy Wilson said:
“An effective public sector, fit for purpose and capable of delivering Executive decisions efficiently and on time, is key to making Northern Ireland work.
During Northern Ireland Questions today, I highlighted to the Secretary of State the urgent need for stronger civil service support for Ministers. The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) inquiry exposed serious failings in the NICS, with delayed and inadequate advice contributing to government dysfunction. Improvement is essential, but action is required to achieve it. I urged the Secretary of State to consider closer integration between the NICS and the UK Home Civil Service, enhancing expertise through skills exchanges and secondments.
However, deficiencies in our Civil Service are only one barrier to more effective governance. The Government must also address the obstruction of major infrastructure projects by legal challenges citing CO₂ emissions. Projects such as the A5 road - critical for connectivity and economic growth - are being stalled due to unrealistic net-zero targets.
It is wrong that excessive environmental commitments are going to be used to stop important infrastructure projects, strangle economic growth and obstruct the delivery of the Programme for Government. The public want to see Government delivery, not fixation by Government with unattainable, costly net zero targets that impede delivery. The Government must reconsider these policies or we will all pay the price for the consequences.”