Sir Jeffrey: Participation in political institutions not sustainable if Irish Sea border is not removed

DUP Leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP will meet with the Vice-President of the European Commission Maroš Šefčovič later today.

Sir Jeffrey will make clear that continued participation in the political institutions is not sustainable, in the absence of action to remove the Irish Sea Border.

Speaking ahead of the meeting. The DUP Leader said

“In a week in which the UK Government extended free unfettered access for goods moving from the Irish Republic to Great Britain, the intransigence of the European Union must now come to an end.

I have shown respect and goodwill by giving space for the current talks to succeed, but regrettably this has not been reciprocated.

Mr Šefčovič will be left in no doubt, that the continued participation in the political institutions is not sustainable, in the absence of action to remove the Irish Sea Border.

A small window of opportunity currently exists to begin the process of restoring Northern Ireland’s place within the UK’s Internal Market.

If the European Union wish to protect the political institutions in Northern Ireland, then they must seize this opportunity. Failure to do so, will lead to the inevitable consequences which I outlined on 9 September.

It is now decision time for the EU. The time for talking is now over. Matters must now be brought to a head."

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