Sir Jeffrey – “Onus on HMG and EU to end Protocol uncertainty”

Commenting on further talks between Lord Frost and Maroš Šefčovič, DUP Leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP said the Protocol is distracting from bread-and-butter issues such as health and urged both sides to urgently act to remove the uncertainty.

Sir Jeffrey said,

“The intransigence of the European Union is continuing to undermine the political and economic stability of Northern Ireland on a daily basis.

Without the support of a single elected representative of the Unionist Community, the continuation of the status quo is simply not sustainable.

Window dressing and tinkering around the edges will not deliver the solutions that are required for Northern Ireland to continue to move forward. We need a certainty and a long-term solution.

Only by fully restoring our place within the United Kingdom’s internal market will the political, economic and social stability of Northern Ireland be safeguarded.

If the EU insist on the Irish Sea Border, then the Government must fulfil its commitments to take unilateral action to protect Northern Ireland and its people.

The people of Northern Ireland will expect the Government to act decisively to deliver upon these commitments and end the uncertainty.”

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