Sinn Fein Draft Budget would disadvantage pupils

Diane Dodds MLA has said the assessment carried out by the Department of Education into Sinn Fein’s Draft Budget, showed the stark reality of their proposed cuts.

By Diane Dodds MLA

Upper Bann

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Mrs Dodds said the DUP would deliver a plan to keep our schools world-class, whilst Sinn Fein would disadvantage pupils across Northern Ireland.

Reacting to the Department of Education’s assessment, she said.

“The assessment carried out by the Department of Education into the impact of Sinn Fein’s Draft Budget upon our education system, shows the stark reality of Conor Murphy’s proposed cuts.

These cuts would directly impact the most vulnerable pupils in our society and would disadvantage schools across Northern Ireland.

The Department has clearly stated the Draft Budget would impede funding for the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act, undermine the recovery of our education system from COVID and curtail any recommendations that will emanate from the independent review of education.

This is an entirely unacceptable situation and was a key reason why DUP Ministers did not support the Draft Budget.

Sinn Fein must explain why they support disadvantaging our pupils

The DUP has a plan to keep our schools world-class. A plan to inject funding into our classrooms, a plan to build more schools and a plan to restructure special educational needs services.

The people of Northern Ireland have a choice to make. Do they support Sinn Fein’s cuts to our education system or do they support our plan to ensure every child has the chance to succeed.”

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