Sinn Fein demand tolerance and respect, but don't want a Unionist about the place - Bunting

Commenting following a response from Finance Minister Conor Murphy confirming he had rejected a request to plant a tree in the grounds of Stormont Estate to mark the occasion of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee, Joanne Bunting MLA said:

By Joanne Bunting MLA

Belfast East

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“This is further proof that SF doesn’t want a unionist about the place. They demand tolerance and respect but demonstrate nothing other than sheer intolerance to mark NI’s very existence. They denied the planting of a rose bush, the lighting of the building and a commemorative stone for the centenary. Now we have yet another display of blatant intolerance and disrespect with a refusal to mark HM The Queen being the longest serving monarch in history of the world.

The Equality Commission must look at this matter. Whilst Conor Murphy has responsibility for the Stormont Estate, the grounds belong to the people, not SF’s anti-unionist mindset. He has got carried away with control and Connolly House is overstepping the mark. This is just basic bad manners.

Unionists will remember this intolerance at the polls. Votes will not be wasted. When such narrow mindedness is on display by SF with their current mandate, we need more unionist MLAs returned to Stormont to put a marker down that people who believe in NI should not and will not be treated in this way.

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