Robinson welcomes commitment on Veterans Commissioner recruitment

DUP Leader Gavin Robinson has welcomed the commitment from Northern Ireland Office Minister Fleur Anderson that advertisement for the recruitment of a new Veterans Commissioner will commence this week.

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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Mr Robinson secured the commitment from the Minister during a debate in Westminster Hall today secured by the South Antrim MP Robin Swann.

Commenting afterwards the East Belfast MP said, “The creation of the NI Veterans Commissioner flowed from the New Decade New Approach Agreement. The DUP pressed for the creation of this post to ensure that veterans here in Northern Ireland had a voice who could specifically articulate their needs and the issues they face.

The previous Commissioner Danny Kinahan served those veterans with genuine tenacity and integrity. His departure was a blow to veterans, and alongside issues such as the closure of the Veterans Support Office may feel they are not treated the same as their counterparts in the rest of the UK.

It was for these reasons that I pressed the Minister today for a specific commitment on the recruitment of a new Commissioner and I was pleased to receive a positive response. With advertisement commencing this week, it is important that the recruitment process moves as quickly as possible so a new Commissioner can be in post as soon as possible.

What is of most importance however is not just that a new Commissioner is appointed but that they have the independence and support to ensure they can do the job effectively.”

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