Robinson – “we will continue to champion H&W yard”

DUP Leader and East Belfast MP Gavin Robinson has been engaged in discussion with the Government and Harland and Wolff Union representatives and recognises recent headlines have been ‘unsettling’ but recognises the Government’s commitment to a renaissance of shipbuilding in Belfast remains

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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Gavin Robinson MP said:

“There has been a period of uncertainty for workers in recent weeks. I have been engaging extensively with the Government, including discussions yesterday. The Government’s commitment to a renaissance to shipbuilding in our City remains.

The contract for Fleet Solid Support Ships is a significant boon for Belfast and should instil confidence that with the right management, our shipyard is an attractive proposition with better days ahead.

Having engaged with Union representatives yesterday afternoon, I will continue to champion the yard, its workforce and its future.

With Parliament sitting next week, there will be an important opportunity for the Government to reiterate its support for shipbuilding in Belfast.”

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