Robinson – “the Government must demonstrate greater urgency”

DUP Leader Gavin Robinson MP has said the Review into the Windsor Framework arrangements is an opportunity to focus on the damage being done to Northern Ireland but warned the Government that it has been slow to respond to our concerns.

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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Mr Robinson said,

“The recent Assembly vote was rigged and discarded the principle of cross-community consent that is essential to all political progress in Northern Ireland.

We note this appointment and the review. It must be an honest assessment rather than an exercise of papering over or explaining the problems.

The Government has been slow to appoint the Independent Monitoring Panel and enable Intertrade UK to get to work. There must be more urgency.

The Windsor Framework and the last Government’s Safeguarding the Union command paper did not secure all of our negotiating objectives, nor did these agreements remedy a number of the long-term problems born out of the NI Protocol.

Building on progress secured to date, this Party has a mandate to continue the fight to fully restore Northern Ireland’s place within the United Kingdom. That includes removing the application of EU law in our country, which has created, and sustains, an internal Irish Sea border.

There are weekly examples where costs are being driven up for manufacturers and additional paperwork is creating a chill factor for GB-based companies currently supplying the NI market.”

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