Robinson - “NI is being short-changed"

DUP Deputy Leader Gavin Robinson MP has welcomed comments from Department of Finance Permanent Secretary Neil Gibson which corroborate our calls for a needs-based formula to fund Northern Ireland.

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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Mr Robinson said,

“Northern Ireland is being short-changed by the current funding structures. The Northern Ireland Fiscal Council has produced several reports where they map out why Northern Ireland must arrest the spending gap. Whilst we have been falling behind in the amount available for public services, this is set to squeeze us even more dramatically in future years.

The Treasury contribution to fund public services in Northern Ireland is going down rather than rising. As an example, in England up to 2025, spending will increase by 6% but only 3.6% in Northern Ireland.

With a £300m shortfall last year and a £450m shortfall this year, our budget pressures will continue to get worse until the funding structure for Northern Ireland is properly addressed.

It will be impossible to make the kind of public service reforms if Northern Ireland does not even have sufficient resource to stand still let alone invest in reforms.

This recognition from Neil Gibson is another reminder of the facts being laid bare by the Northern Ireland Fiscal Council for many months.”

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