Robinson expresses hope that guilty plea can offer some closure for family of Ian Ogle

DUP Deputy Leader Gavin Robinson has said he hopes the guily plea offered by two men in relation to Ian Ogle’s murder in 2019 can offer some sense of closure to the Ogle-Johnston family.

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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The East Belfast MP said, “It is five years since the brutal murder of Ian Ogle close to his home in Cluan Place. During that time the Ogle family have not only had to deal with grief but have tirelessly campaigned for justice in the midst of pressure, intimidation and abuse against Vera, Toni, Ryan and the wider family.

They have never wavered in their steadfast pursuit of justice, and I pay tribute to them for not losing sight of their goals and not losing hope in the most trying of circumstances. The admission of guilt by the two men in this case, and the life sentences handed down to them cannot undo the trauma and grief they have suffered as a result of Ian’s murder or the abuse they have subsequently suffered. I do hope however that it can bring some level of closure for the family and a recognition that justice has been served against two individuals.

I know the thoughts of people across East Belfast and beyond will continue to be with the Ogle family.”

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