Robinson calls for a fair funding deal

DUP Deputy Leader Gavin Robinson MP has said the case for a fairer funding deal for Northern Ireland from Treasury has been well made but we now need to see the funding agreed.

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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Mr Robinson said,

“Philip Hamond was the Chancellor when the DUP started making the argument for a fairer funding deal for Northern Ireland, yet more than four years later, with several independent reports supporting our argument, the Treasury has not acted.

In January this year, I started calling publicly for Northern Ireland to take notice of our underfunding and we were instrumental in the NI Affairs Committee establishing an inquiry into this matter. Since then, almost all the Northern Ireland parties have come on board with our campaign for a better funding deal.

Whilst our shortfall is bad now, it will be absolutely crippling in the future. Indeed, the Northern Ireland Fiscal Council believes we will be funded below need to the tune of £1.2bn by 2025.

The UK Government has defined ‘need’. This definition is used in Wales and it should be applied in Northern Ireland too. Not just this year but going forward.

Pay accounts for over half of public spending in Northern Ireland. When the Treasury fails to invest properly in our public services - as has been the case for many years - frontline workers become collateral damage and are paid below what they deserve.

Its time for a fair deal which will make public services sustainable.”

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