Restoration of internal market would assist economic growth – Lockhart

Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart has said it is incumbent on the Government to restore the integrity of the internal market of the United Kingdom if Northern Ireland is to maximise opportunity for economic growth.

The DUP representative made the call during an Urgent Question in the House of Commons in response to IMF forecasts for economic growth.

By Carla Lockhart MP

Upper Bann

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Carla Lockhart said:

“Due to ongoing uncertainty around the Protocol and the internal barriers to trade it erects within the U.K., investment is now being stalled as we await a new agreement. On a regular basis I am engaging with businesses who are either shelving plans to expand permanently due to the Protocol, or postponing investment until the Government and EU reach a new agreement.

I pressed the issue with the Minister in the House that the Government must recognise the need to urgently restore the integrity of the U.K. internal market to assist economic growth in Northern Ireland.

Business does not like uncertainty, but due to the inaction and delay of the two negotiating partners, that is exactly what local businesses, or those looking at Northern Ireland as an option for investment, are facing. It is unacceptable.

We need a resolution to the Protocol issues soon, that will provide certainty for businesses and stability for investors that will allow Northern Ireland to realise its economic potential.”

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