Rail review a missed opportunity to include all of Northern Ireland: Erskine

DUP infrastructure spokesperson Deborah Erskine has said the publication of the All-island Strategic Rail Review is a missed opportunity which would see County Fermanagh stand as the only County in Northern Ireland with no rail connectivity.

By Deborah Erskine MLA

Fermanagh & South Tyrone

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The Fermanagh & South Tyrone MLA said, “The All-Island Strategic Rail Review is a significant publication which helps put forward a vision for rail transport within Northern Ireland and our cross-border connectivity. The fact that County Fermanagh was entirely omitted from the review was highlighted well in advance of this publication, but nothing has changed in the final document. Yet the final document itself admits that the omission of Fermanagh was one of the most mentioned issues highlighted in public consultation responses.

This documents sets out a long-term vision which now sees Fermanagh excluded from that and it will be at least a decade before it could even be included within any type of forward planning. That is very disappointing, particularly for an area where there is a need for significant infrastructure improvements, and should be an important area for cross-border connectivity. I will be continuing to challenge this.

Whilst there are omissions from the review it is important that we take forward the opportunities and ensure that our public transport provision, and particularly rail transport is improved for the everyone across Northern Ireland.”

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