Questions for PSNI & Sinn Fein at Covid Inquiry

Commenting on the PSNI giving evidence to the UK Covid Inquiry, DUP Deputy Leader Gavin Robinson said,

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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“It is right that the PSNI have been called to give evidence to the national Covid inquiry. The contrast between how the the Black Lives Matter protests were handled and the funeral of Bobby Storey are stark.

It wasn’t just that the PSNI took a hands-off approach on the day of the funeral, but the fact that police, whether inadvertently or otherwise, provided Sinn Fein with a defence form prosecution for an event which included a mass political rally in Milltown Cemetery.

There are significant questions for both the PSNI and Sinn Fein arising out of Covid and hopefully the Inquiry will shine a light onto these important issues."

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