Protocol is standing in the way of helping the environment and boosting family budgets: Paisley

DUP North Antrim MP Ian Paisley has commended the Chancellor for his honest assessment of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Speaking from Westminster Mr Paisley said,

“Whilst Sinn Fein make excuses for the Protocol, the reality is hitting home. The Chancellor is offering tax breaks for people to make their home more energy efficient, and the Protocol in the standing in the way. The Protocol is standing in the way of helping make our environment cleaner and household budgets go further.

It is ridiculous that the Government of the United Kingdom is having to seek permission from people not elected by anyone in the UK to give tax breaks to UK citizens.

The DUP will use its influence in Westminster to get a better deal for Northern Ireland but its about time some other Parties in Northern Ireland added their influence to remove this Protocol and get a better deal for hard pressed Northern Ireland households.

It is only a few weeks ago that another Cabinet Minister confirmed the UK was having to ditch legislation banning the force feeding of ducks because the Northern Ireland Protocol prevented it being applied to the entire United Kingdom.

Whether on trade or household budgets or animal cruelty, the Protocol is failing Northern Ireland.”

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