“Protocol has been the catalyst for political and economic instability”

Speaking after meeting Leo Varadkar in Belfast, the DUP Leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP said,

“This was a frank exchange of views. He received an honest appraisal of the consequences if the Protocol remains.

It is not good enough for Mr Varadkar to claim the title of 'co-guarantor' of the Belfast Agreement yet defend arrangements that fundamentally undermine that agreement and its successors. Rather than cement peace and stability, the Protocol has been the catalyst for political and economic instability.

The lack of any serious engagement by the EU to deal with even the most glaring and obvious flaws of the Protocol, is not the hallmark of anyone who cares about either political stability in Northern Ireland or the economic wellbeing of its people.

There is now an imperative for action from the Government. They must take into account the blinkered approach which has been forthcoming from the European Union. If the European Union is not willing to work constructively, then action must be taken immediately to remove the Irish Sea border.”

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