Protection of Triple-lock key to pension uplift – Wilson

DUP MP Sammy Wilson has said that Treasury projections of a rise in the state pension by more than £400 a year, from next year, will be welcome news for pensioners across Northern Ireland.

By Sammy Wilson MP

East Antrim

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The East Antrim MP said:

“The Government’s decision to withdraw support for the Winter Fuel Payment for many older people was a bitter blow to pensioners right across the UK who continue to face cost of living pressures. Our Communities Minister, Gordon Lyons MLA, is in London this week engaging with the Government, making the case that this is wrong, and the Government needs to think again.

In this context however it is welcome news that the Treasury is predicting that the state pension will increase by more than £400 from next year. This boost is because of the triple-lock on pensions, which the DUP ensured remained in place through our Confidence and Supply arrangement with the then Government. This mechanism guarantees that the state pension increases every April by whatever number is highest out of inflation, the average UK wage increase, or 2.5%.

The DUP has always prioritised the needs of our older people, and the increase in state pension is a consequence of our actions in fulfilling this commitment. We urge the Government to do more, and as a first step to re-instate the Winter Fuel Payment for all pensioners.”

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