Progress, but more to do – Robinson

DUP Leader Rt Hon Gavin Robinson MP has welcomed the announcement by the Secretary of State of appointments to the Independent Monitoring Panel agreed as part of the Safeguarding the Union Command Paper, as well as the progress made towards the establishment of Intertrade UK.

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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Mr Robinson said:

“Today’s announcement by the Secretary of State represents further delivery on the commitments contained in the Safeguarding the Union Command Paper. This is welcome, but there is still much to do.

In our negotiations with the then Government, we secured an Independent Monitoring Panel to provide oversight of the workings of new arrangements and to ensure the Government and other public bodies are held to account for delivering in a pragmatic way the outworkings of new arrangements. Today’s appointments are a welcome step, and we will continue to assess the work of the Panel.

The establishment of Intertrade UK is another important step towards boosting internal trade, and to promote the full extent of the UK’s market to businesses and traders. The appointment of Baroness Arlene Foster is a positive step given her vast experience in promoting Northern Ireland’s economy.

There remains much more to do and we will continue to work with the new Government in that respect.

Building on the progress to date, we will continue to fight to fully restore Northern Ireland’s place within the United Kingdom, including removing the application of EU law in our country and the internal Irish Sea border it creates.”

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