Paisley – EU negotiating mandate must change

DUP North Antrim MP Ian Paisley has said that confirmation from the Northern Ireland Secretary of State that only ‘talks’ are taking place between Brussels and London is another reminder that the EU must change their negotiating mandate.

The comments were made at a public session of the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee in Westminster.

Mr Paisley said,

“For more than two years unionism has been pressing for change, only to be told repeatedly told that there can be ‘no renegotiation’ of the NI Protocol. This mindset must change. Fundamentally, without a change to the negotiating mandate in Brussels, there will not be the space to reach an outcome which unionists can support.

Every unionist MLA and MP opposes the Protocol. Powersharing is only possible with the support of unionists and nationalists. The Protocol must be replaced with arrangements that unionists can support if there is going to be a basis to restore devolution.”

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