Our team has a record of delivery for constituents

DUP Leader Gavin Robinson has been in Ballymena nominating his candidates for the North, South and East Antrim.

By Gavin Robinson MP

Belfast East

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Mr Robinson said,

“The DUP has a record of delivering for Northern Ireland from Westminster. Our experience in County Antrim is unparalleled at using our influence to secure jobs and investment for the County.

Sammy, Ian and Paul have all been able to strengthen the rural economy of County Antrim by delivering fibre broadband to almost 16,000 homes across the county. These were homes with next to no broadband and now they have faster connections than people living in the centre of Manchester.

The DUP MPs secured £150m for the project in 2017 and its rollout with be completed by the end of 2025. Indeed, this project will make Northern Ireland the best-connected region in Europe. We just don’t talk about Making Northern Ireland Work, we have a record of delivery.

Democratic Unionists will put the people of Northern Ireland first, by working with other parties in Parliament to ensure Northern Ireland’s case is always spotlighted.

We will focus on the just cause of a long-term fair and equitable funding model for Northern Ireland’s needs. Some years ago, I spearheaded the campaign to change the funding formula for Northern Ireland. Where we lead, others followed, and we secured progress, through the recent financial discussions, but it will be important to push home the case in the new spending review in the next Parliament.

There are some in this election who are expert at identifying the problems but have no record of fixing the problems. If Northern Ireland is to keep moving in the right direction, then it needs a strong team of DUP MPs in Westminster speaking up and standing up for Northern Ireland.”

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