NHS still underpinned by its most valuable resource – its people: Givan

DUP Health Spokesperson Paul Givan has paid tribute to our National Health Service on the 75th anniversary of its creation.

By Paul Givan MLA

Lagan Valley

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Speaking at Parliament Buildings where he hosted the 75th anniversary celebrations for the NHS in Northern Ireland, he said, “Over three quarters of a century the NHS has been transforming and saving lives across every corner of the United Kingdom. It is a true leveller with every single person receiving the same high standard of care regardless of their background or circumstances.

The treatments and technology of today are a world away from that experienced by patients 75 years ago, but it is still underpinned by its most valuable resource – its people.

The NHS has been facing challenges and pressures almost since its inception, but those are at levels today more significant than ever before. Here in Northern Ireland the reform proposals brought forward many years ago still must be delivered upon, but we also must ensure that the Health Service, alongside our other vital public services is placed on a sustainable financial footing with funding that meets the needs of our population.

As we look back over 75 years of the NHS across the United Kingdom, it is important that we also start to look forward and plan for our National Health Service and what it will look like when we celebrate its centenary in another 25 years.”

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