Murphy focused on divisive border poll politics – Forsythe

DUP South Down MLA Diane Forsythe has said Economy Minister Conor Murphy has let down childcare providers whilst chasing a divisive border poll. Despite being allocated £2m to help providers, his Department has failed to implement a support scheme and get funding out to providers.

The South Down MLA highlighted that many providers are struggling to meet rising costs such as national insurance, and the burden will ultimately fall on working families’ childcare bills.

By Diane Forsythe MLA

South Down

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Diane Forsythe said:

“Conor Murphy’s inaction failure to get money out the door is deeply disappointing. A targeted support scheme was to be implemented that could have gone some way towards alleviating the financial pressures on childcare providers, enabling them to maintain services and reduce costs passed on to families. Instead, we see a lack of direction and missed opportunities to make a tangible difference to the pressures faced by the sector.

It is unacceptable that money - around £2m - which could have been used to support childcare providers has not been delivered by the Minister. This demonstrates a clear failure to prioritise a sector that is vital to our economy and society.

The DUP has delivered millions of pounds of support through the childcare scheme provided by Paul Givan as Education Minister helping working families to the tune of £160 per month. This has been rolling out since last September with 14k children registered.

Instead of focusing on divisive border poll politics, Conor Murphy needs to up his game and implement a comprehensive scheme without delay. Families and childcare providers deserve better. The Minister must act now to ensure this funding delivers for those who need it most.”

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