MP points to the absurdity of the abortion debate.

The DUP’s North Antrim MP Ian Paisley has said the Supreme Court decision in the United States stands in contrast to Northern Ireland pressing ahead with the most liberal abortion laws in Europe.

Mr Paisley said,

“This week there could be no greater contrast between those protecting life and those legislating to end of the life of the unborn.

On Thursday in parliament I voted against the Secretary of State’s provisions to liberalise our abortion laws. The NIO is now running the Department of Health in Northern Ireland without a squeak of protest from officials, Ministers or many media.

In the same week, the USA has overturned the 1973 abortion legislation Row v Wade. That decision sees the overturning of an unjust law that has led to the deaths of over 62 million babies since 1973. This decision will return the matter of abortion legislation to individual states. This is the beginning of the legislative battle over state abortion, certainly not the end.

This court ruling will not actually ban abortion or prevent anyone from having an abortion. Rather, it makes abortion law a matter for States to decide. Some states will allow abortion without restriction and others will likely provide robust legal protection for unborn children throughout pregnancy.

In Northern Ireland, we sought the same right. That Northern Ireland’s right to have its opinions on the matter respected ought to be respected.

Since the law change in Northern Ireland over 3000 babies have been aborted. There are other arrangements in place for an unwanted pregnancy and other support measures for mothers in crisis. Northern Ireland should be leading the way in this field not being forced to have abortion services by an unaccountable unacceptable process."

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