Minister must outline pathway to opening of new Maternity hospital – Dodds

DUP MLA Diane Dodds, who sits on the Stormont Health Committee, has requested that the Minister of Health, Mike Nesbitt MLA, attend a meeting of the Committee to outline the steps being taken to ensure the new Maternity Hospital at the Royal Victoria site opens as soon as possible.

By Diane Dodds MLA

Upper Bann

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Diane Dodds said:

“The safety of newborn babies and their mothers is of utmost importance and the discovery of high levels of Pseudomonas aeruginosa discovered in the water system is of deep concern. It is right that the hospital does not open until this issue is addressed and any risk to patients from this bacteria is removed.

However, as things stand, we have no clarity on how this serious issue is going to be addressed, the steps already taken and those planned, the resource implications of this discovery and the timescales involved in reaching a point whereby expectant mothers can attend the new Maternity hospital. We also need answers as to why these issues could not be identified much earlier in the construction phase.

The Minister must provide clarity. It is beyond ridiculous that this hospital remains unopened ten years after it was scheduled to open its doors. We need to know the impact this find will have on opening date, and on the budget set aside for the completion of the project. I trust the Minister will attend committee, and provide this clarity.”

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