Minister hails new beginning for Roe Valley Integrated Primary School

Education Minister Paul Givan has officially opened a new £6.3million school for Roe Valley Integrated Primary School.

By Paul Givan MLA

Lagan Valley

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Speaking at the official opening, Education Minister Paul Givan said: "I am delighted to join the celebrations to mark the opening of these magnificent new facilities. The investment of over £6million in these new facilities will bring positive change for everyone involved with Roe Valley Integrated Primary School and the wider community for future generations."

The Minister continued:"The opening of any new school building is something to be enjoyed, however, a building is only part of what makes a school. It is the pupils and teachers who are the heartbeat of the building.

I commend the staff, pupils and parents for their hard work and dedication over the last number of years as work has progressed through design to the planning and construction phases, culminating in today’s official opening.”

The project, which will provide seven new state-of-the-art classrooms, was funded through the Fresh Start Programme supported by the UK Government.

The Minister concluded: “I know these new, modern facilities will match the school’s collective enthusiasm and passion for learning and teaching and enable it to thrive and deliver a first class education to local children from many backgrounds for many years to come.

“I wish all the teachers, staff, pupils and school management every success for the future in their new facilities.”

Construction on the site began in June 2022 and was completed in December 2023.

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