Middleton – “SF border poll bandwagon claiming all ‘non-unionist’ votes”

The DUP’s Foyle MLA Gary Middleton has said the DUP pre-election warnings have been proven correct as Sinn Fein is now using its electoral position to demand a divisive border poll.

By Gary Middleton MLA


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Gary Middleton said,

“Last week Michelle O’Neill was in cahoots with the union wrecking SNP and this week Mary Lou McDonald is touring London studios and foreign media demanding a divisive border poll.

Instead of recognising the Protocol is flawed and working to have it replaced, Sinn Fein is entirely focused on their divisive border poll plans and has abandoned any semblance of consensus politics.

Without a hint of embarrassment on national television, Mary Lou McDonald is even claiming votes cast for non-unionist parties as supporting her border poll plan. Again, this is what we warned. Every first preference vote cast for any party other than the DUP was a vote to help Sinn Fein border poll propaganda.

Faced with the uncomfortable fact there are more MLAs in the Assembly who designate as unionist rather than nationalist, Mary Lou McDonald was happy to claim all "non-unionist" MLAs as backing Sinn Fein. During the election campaign some of those same MLAs were completely dismissing the prospect of Sinn Fein using the election to launch such a campaign. Given that fact, it would be useful to hear whether those same non-unionists are comfortable being co-opted onto the border poll bandwagon.”

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