Lyons - ROI result should give pro-Union voters food for thought

DUP Director of Elections Gordon Lyons MLA has said the Sinn Fein result in the Republic is a reminder that the only poll that matters is when the votes are counted.

By Gordon Lyons MLA

East Antrim

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Mr Lyons said,

“Opinion polls come and go but the ballot box demonstrates the power of every vote. What happens is the Republic is a matter for the people of that country but the election result should give pro-union voters in Northern Ireland food for thought.

Unionist division risks helping Sinn Fein and their helpers in the Alliance Party. It would be madness, when Sinn Fein is having mixed fortunes in the Republic to have unionist voters helping them out because the pro-union vote is divided.

Sinn Fein stood aside in four seats to help non-unionist candidates, make no mistake, pro-union voters need to think carefully before they cast their vote for a candidate with no hope of winning and potentially aid the election of non-unionists.

By voting DUP and sending a strong team of DUP MPs to Westminster, pro-union voters can send a message to those agitating for a divisive border poll and give Northern Ireland more influence in Parliament.”

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