Lyons – Alliance fooling no one

DUP Director of Elections Gordon Lyons has said Naomi Long has further questions to answer about her Ireland’s Future attendance.

By Gordon Lyons MLA

East Antrim

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Mr Lyons said,

“Naomi Long should explain why she ever agreed to attend the Ireland’s Future anti-unionist event. Ireland’s Future exists to remove Northern Ireland from the United Kingdom.

Alliance clearly thought it was ok to attend the event when there was no election but now won’t attend and don’t want people to see them attending and partaking in Pro-Republican platforms and propaganda.

The Alliance Party makes great play of its supposed constitutional neutrality, yet their actions tell a story of being Sinn Fein’s wee helpers. This was confirmed when Sinn Fein withdrew from constituencies to help Alliance candidates.

Naomi Long says she has time to be a candidate and Justice Minister but no time to do this anti-unionist event. Unionists throughout Northern Ireland know exactly why the Alliance Party has pulled out of this event. They shouldn’t be played for fools.”

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