Irish Government’s ‘careless hypocrisy’ on legacy challenged

DUP MLA Diane Dodds has described the Irish Government’s position on legacy and inquiries as one of ‘careless hypocrisy’. She said that Dublin’s ‘gaslighting’ of victims such as the family of Ian Sproule was being supported by the UK Government who focus on exceptional treatment for some victims whilst ignoring others.

By Diane Dodds MLA

Upper Bann

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The Upper Bann MLA said, “In welcoming the UK Government’s “new approach” to legacy issues Simon Harris simply underscores the Irish Government’s continued refusal to even acknowledge, let alone act on huge issues within the Irish Republic. Micheal Martin comments that “rule of law is being respected” only further highlights the careless hypocrisy with which the Irish Government approaches these issues.

Ian Sproule was murdered outside his home in Castlederg in April 1991. There are serious allegations of collusion between the Provisional IRA and Garda in relation to his murder. The Irish Government have issued warm words and strung the family along for years, but have done absolutely nothing to take forward any real investigation into this issue.

Whilst Simon Harris is boasting about pressing the Prime Minister on the Finucane inquiry, there is not a single word in return from the United Kingdom to Dublin about its responsibilities in cases such as the murder of Ian Sproule. Time and time again the Irish Government is allowed to offer commentary as if it is some impartial observer in these matters.

Whilst the Garda Ombudsman has told the Sproule family their case has “timed out”, other cases receive exceptional focus and treatment. The gaslighting of victims by the Irish Government in this case is being supported by the UK Government as they take forward exceptional treatment for some whilst ignoring huge numbers of others.”

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