Video has emerged online which appears to have been taken at the Ulster fleadh held in Dromore, where a large crowd of young people are chanting IRA slogans.
Tom Buchanan said, "There can be no place for behaviour such as this, and it is particularly sad that most of those shown in the video are unlikely to be old enough to even remember the Troubles or the impact of IRA terrorism.
Such hatred and intolerance must be challenged from wherever it arises. Unionist representatives have challenged and condemned unacceptable behaviour in recent weeks. There is a duty now on nationalist and republican representatives to properly challenge sectarianism and intolerance when it is on display at an event such as this.
My colleague Deborah Erskine has written to the organisers of the Ulster Fleadh to confirm whether this took place at any organised part Fleadh, and similarly Fermanagh & Omagh District Council to confirm whether any Council funding went to the event in question.
Such chanting has been witnessed before at certain events and it cannot be normalised or justified. We await to see if there will be any leadership displayed from within republicanism to condemn this behaviour."