Infected blood scandal a stain on our government and health service

Upper Bann MLA Diane Dodds has said the Infected Blood scandal has been a stain on our government and our health service. She was speaking in the Assembly this morning ahead of the publication of the outcome of the inquiry.

By Diane Dodds MLA

Upper Bann

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Speaking after raising the issue in the Assembly this morning the DUP MLA said, “This scandal affected thousands of people across the United Kingdom, and we should be most mindful that almost 3,000 people have died before hearing the outcome of the inquiry.

The systematic failure which caused the problems is compounded by the systematic cover up which followed. The entire episode is a stain on our government and on our health service.”

South Antrim MP Paul Girvan added, “I have worked with victims of this scandal from Northern Ireland and will continue to support all those who have suffered devastating consequences through no fault of their own.

The outcome of the inquiry is a significant step forward, but it is one which has been too long in coming. The words from the inquiry chairman that the scandal was “no accident” and that victims have been “betrayed” are not only accurate but appropriate. An apology must form part of the response to the scandal alongside appropriate compensation.

Financial recompense can never properly compensate those who have suffered as a result of this scandal. However, a proper compensation package must be central to moving forward alongside answers about what happened and lessons to prevent this ever happening again.”

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