Housing Executive and Minister must act now - Middleton

Foyle MLA Gary Middleton MLA has called for action to be taken to prevent water entering the homes of Housing Executive tenants in the Waterside Triangle area of Londonderry.

By Gary Middleton MLA


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The DUP MLA said, 'There have been ongoing problems with water penetration at a number of properties in the Waterside Triangle area of Londonderry for several years. Both NIHE tenants and private tenants have had to suffer as the NIHE have failed to solve the problem.

A walkway in the ownership of the Housing Executive where properties are located has been the source of water leaking problems for years into flats and maisonettes below the walkway, the problems have been reported on dozens of occasions to NIHE over the course of the last five years.

I have visited the properties, other political representatives have done likewise and the previous Minister SF's Carál Ní Chuilín visited the area in August last year. The Chief Executive of NIHE has also been written to, all have agreed that action is needed but it has not happened. The current Chief Executive and current Minister Deirdre Hargey need to act now as this has been a continuous problem where when there is heavy rain water enters the homes of tenants. it is scandalous that there has been no comprehensive renovation carried out over such a period, action is needed in advance of yet another winter period'

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